Wrapping up 2010

Yes, I am alive. The flu didn’t kill me, but after nearly 3 weeks I still don’t feel 100% and I have a lingering cough. That was one hell of a bug!

A bunch of little (and not-so-little) things that we didn’t have time to take care of in the past few months are finally catching up with us. The broken printer; the tires that have been patched and re-patched and re-patched; and other little stuff we need now but can’t use. The hundreds of kilograms of construction material and fixtures and appliances that we’ve hauled in our Toyota 4-Runner finally took its toll on those poor abused tires – the last load made it to the building courtyard on a completely flat tire. 2 days before the 10-day holiday season, and it’s not an easy thing to get new tires for a car that’s not very common in Ukraine. *Sigh*

But, honestly, we’ve got nothing to complain about. 2010 was an exhausting but very good year to us.

I had 20 business trips to 15 countries, including 4 new ones to my personal travel list. Coupled with Igor’s travel this fall for his job, I suspect we spent more days apart than together. But we made the most of those days together, including a couple great vacations (when we traveled even more!). There were even a few quiet days at home. 🙂

I’ve got a ridiculous backlog of half-written posts from the past four-five months. I’ll probably wipe the slate clean on Dec. 31, and start fresh in 2011. Or I’ll post a bunch of half-written posts.

We usually spend New Year’s Eve in Korosten with Igor’s family; his sister Oksana traditionally hosts the annual gathering and midnight food-fest. We had hoped to invite his family to Kyiv this year, to celebrate with us in our new apartment. Unfortunately, it’s not yet in any condition to host a party. It’s getting closer every day, but it’s still slow going. The new goal is to celebrate Old New Year’s in the new apartment – fingers crossed! Regardless of holidays, the remont will finish some day, and we’ll have lots of parties to celebrate.

Caught by a cold

Looks like all the travel in the past month finally caught up with me, and I seem to have caught the flu. Igor left Saturday for a week in Odesa, his last business trip of the year. I had planned to go with him for a couple of days, but he returned my tickets when I grudgingly conceded that I didn’t have the strength to get out of bed, much less take an overnight train and spend a day seeing the sights with him. I’m really bummed I couldn’t go with him – during those few moments I haven’t been in feverish delirium.

I spent the entire weekend in bed – good thing I had a backlog of TV shows to watch! I’m up to date on all my favorite programs now – Dexter, Glee, Modern Family, Boardwalk Empire, Rubicon and The Defenders. Day 3 and I’m going a bit stir crazy! Any TV or movie recommendations?

In other news, the apartment renovations are picking up speed. More than half of the hardwood flooring is installed.  We bought the tile flooring on Friday, which will go in soon. The ceilings are finished – with cool recessed lighting in the living room and bedroom.

Kind of hard to take a picture of a ceiling!

Weekend in Tvarditsa

The bonus to any trip to Moildova is a visit to my Peace Corps home, the village of Tvarditsa. I can relax there like in few other places. Had a great time talking late into the night with my host mom Anya, and playing all day with my host nephew Gresha. He’s growing like a weed and is as sharp as a whip. My stomach’s not used anymore to the heavy, rich food Anya makes, but that didn’t stop me from shoveling it in. Sooo tasty! They sent me off with a care package that could feed an army. If I can get even half of the delicuios food and housewine back to Kyiv, I’ll be surprised (and happy!). I wish I’d had more time to visit everyone in Tvarditsa, and especially wish Igor could have come with me. Looking forward to visiting them again, hopefully soon!