Forego the cup of coffee today and help Ukraine push back hard!

Dear Friends:
A personal appeal to you, on behalf of an American in Kyiv whose Ukrainian husband is fighting for Ukraine’s freedom and sovereignty. Pretty soon, this will likely be me, asking you to support my Ukrainian husband’s squad. Please follow the link on the page below to donate to the Ukrainian Freedom Fund.

You can give to the fund in general, or specify that it’s for UFF-Viktor or UFF-Kovalenko. If you’re American and want a tax deduction, you can donate through the US-Ukraine Foundation. Just specify the donation as “UFF-Viktor”, “UFF-Kovalenko” or “FOR UFF”. The US-Ukraine Foundation then forwards the donations to Ukrainian Freedom Fund.

Thank you! Slava Ukraini!

From Lilia Horodysky Kovalenko:
URGENT: please help Viktor’s squad. Need to reach nearly $30,000 in a few short weeks, to support my husband’s unit with military supplies in Ukraine to fight against Russian invasion: [for details]

Forego the cup of coffee today and help Ukraine push back hard!

Please “share”! [I think I’m the only American with a husband in the Ukrainian army]

6 months…

Six months ago today, the Revolution of Dignity culminated. By this time of the day, I had stopped counting the ambulances that were bringing the dead and injured to Hospital #17. I stopped at 50, and they kept coming every 2-3 minutes all night. Six months is twice as long as the Maidan revolution, an incredibly corrupt regime was brought down by 3 months of peaceful civil disobedience, with a few infamous days of violence. I don’t know of any other time in history when such a horrible government was brought down (a) so quickly (3 months); (b) by almost entirely peaceful civil disobedience; and (c) with so few casualties (about 100).

Ukrainians are amazing.