Out of the mouths of babes…

This afternoon, Liza asked me why I had to go to Moldova to work – “Can’t you do this job here?” It’s hard enough to explain Peace Corps to a 9-year old, but try to do it when you are choking on tears.

Liza also asked where are my cats. Nadia is with a friend, I explained, and Yantar and Mishka are at my parents’ house right now. “Why can’t you take them with you?” “Well,” I said, “this is really too long of a trip for cats. You know how long your trip is to Moscow, right?” “18 hours,” she promptly replied. “And my trip will be about as long, which is much too long for the cats. They wouldn’t like it at all.” “And there wouldn’t be any place for them to go to the bathroom, either.” “Yes, that’s true,” I said, “no bathrooms for the cats on the airplane.” “Then, yes, they have to stay here when you go.”

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