wedding plans

We are thinking of having the wedding on December 22 and inviting everyone to stay for Christmas in Kyiv. What do you think?

The wedding will be a relatively simple affair. It’s not a typical time for weddings in Ukraine as no one gets married during ‘post‘ (kind of like advent, the time of fasting before a religious holiday, in this case Christmas). The Christmas post lasts most of December and part of January (Orthodox Christmas is on January 7). At first, Igor’s parents were quite against the idea of a wedding during post, but he gently explained that it will be hard for my family and friends to come at another time of the year, unless we wait until next summer. Christmas break seemed like the best time for family and friends with kids in school. They agreed, as long as we make it a “modest” affair. The other criterion is that there must be post-appropriate food, which ain’t in the least bit hard for me since that means vegetarian!

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