Weekend update

My predictions for the baby’s birthday party were right on target. Cross-stitching on a bus – not as easy as expected, especially on a very bouncy bus. Got a bit done, but not much.

This week is off to a hectic and busy week. And it’s still freakin’ cold! I actually wore a scarf this morning. And contemplated the idea of pulling the winter clothes out of storage and putting away the summer stuff. But I’m just not ready for bulky sweaters and wool tights. Please, can we have a few more weeks of t-shirts and sandals?

Since we came back from Korosten by bus, Igor’s mom couldn’t load us up with an absurd amount of food like she usually does. But we did happily accept a big bag of probably the last garden tomatoes of the season. Did I mention I’m not ready for summer to be over? Oh how I love the fresh fruits and veggies straight from the garden!

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