Petya and Marina at Kent State

Long-time readers of my blogging surely will remember my best friend from my Peace Days in Moldova, Petya Popov. We met one fateful day in December 2005, when I sat in his seat on the bus. I knew right away he was a different – instead of snapping at me for not knowing the bus “rules”, he started a conversation with me that has been going on for five and a half years now. He was sixteen years old then, in his second-to-last year of school. Now he’s a university graduate, having completed his bachelor’s degree in physics at Ivanovo State University in Russia. And he’s a married man, having wed his college sweetheart while in Hilliard, Ohio, during their first Summer Work & Travel program.

And he’s a graduate student at Kent State University in the Liquid Crystals Institute. And he’s blogging about it. Check it out.

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