Last day in Kyiv

Much to my surprise, the Merrill-Seifer-Stuber family were packed and ready more than an hour before the taxi was scheduled to arrive. Wow! That gave us time for one last trip to the Holy Grail, aka the Playground. And plenty of time for everyone to get dirty! 🙂

Tess wowwed us with her gymnastics prowess, giant Scott wowwed all the little people. Both developed quite the fan clubs in the half hour or so that we were at the park!

Then the taxi came and we loaded it up. One last minor panic locating passports, and we were off to the airport. We got them checked in and had plenty of time for a decent lunch at the Italian place in Terminal F. I walked them up to the second floor to go through security, and a super nice guard saw us with a baby and stroller in tow, and took us straight to the front of the long line! Way to go Josie, gettin' that VIP service!

I couldn't go beyond the security check with them, but watched as long as I could see them.

It was a quiet, lonely trip back home.


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