A year

Today is our first wedding anniversary.

We’ve spent much of the past week reminiscing – which guests arrived on which days, the evening it all caught up with me and I had a breakdown :-), the 21st when we all went to Korosten, the fabulous dinner at Igor’s parents’ house. The Big Day, the best wedding I could have hoped for.

We’ve also been reflecting on other events of the past year. We’ve both changed jobs. Lots of trips together: Egypt, U.S., Crimea (twice), Moldova, Carpathians (twice), plus countless trips to Korosten. We moved to a new apartment. We had great car trips, and then sold our car (I forgot to write about that – we sold it a couple weeks ago). We settled into a routine together, and mixed it up a bit. We discovered new things about each other, enjoyed the familiar, and grew together. The buds of our life as a family are slowly blooming more and more, our roots growing stronger.

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